The Watchtower is at a huge disadvantage simply because they do not have a single coherent enemy to fight. They misguidely assume that we are the 'evil slave' as if some such cohesive organisation existed that they could train their weapons at. No such group exists. The enemies of the Watchtower are a loosely connected group of people who despite having varying agendas all have one thing in common: to see and end to the Watchtower. All the apostate sites on the 'net bring together a myriad of different viewpoints and opinions all of which contribute to holding the Watchtower to the ridicule it deserves.
Imagine going back to say the mindset of the WT organisation in 1970 for example; never in their worst nightmare could the Watchtower back then have imagined a scenario whereby every last foolishness they have ever published would be a click away in the privacy of someones own home. That private letters to DO's, CO's and Elders would be visible for public viewing worldwide. Never could they have forseen that a network would exist whereby former JW's could get together and air their views and more importantly offer support to each other. The advances in technology in the last decade absolutely stagger me; and who knows what lies ahead!
I personally believe that, say 50 years from now, religious historians of the future will look back at the years 2000 - 2010 and draw the line saying 'here marks the true end of the Watchtower Society.'